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Core Values   

iCognate is a core-values company.  Our core-values are at the heart of everything our company does.  From product development to client interactions, our core-values of respect, integrity, and commitment are omnipresent.  We believe that a great company is built only on the unshakable foundation of solid core-values.  At iCognate our commitment to these core-values is at the very heart of our company!

iCognate is a dedicated company.  We are dedicated to delivering the latest and most successful cognition technologies to your applications in the office, on the road, and at home. To do this, we developed a proprietary core technology, our Artificial Cognition Engine (ACE), and applied it to a number of different areas of computer interactivity and information processing including desktop applications, trading platforms, and database systems. 

iCognate is a proactive company.  We proactively understand your information processing issues and suggest ways we can apply our technologies to help you improve the quality, increase the efficiency, and enhance the productivity of your information experience. Whether your needs are B2B or B2C, we strive to provide you with the technology, the expertise, and the implementation know-how to solve your specific problems and meet your exacting standards.

iCognate is a goal oriented company.  For our clients, our goal is to ensure that the solutions we offer are of the highest quality and that we meet our clients needs and exceed their expectations. For our employees, our goal is to create a challenging and rewarding environment with real opportunities for advancement and profit sharing. For our investors, our goal is to add value at all levels of our company and assure the timely increase in equity value.

iCognate is a win-win company.  Whether it's i) providing products, software, or services to our clients, ii) providing challenging and meaningful work opportunities to employees, or iii) providing timely returns on investments to our investors, we all win by creating, adding, and deriving value with iCognate.

iCognate is a synergistic company.  The interaction of our clients, employees, and investors fostered the creation of a suite of customizable products that significantly improve computer interactivity and information processing. Our customizable products are implemented one client at a time. And through this interactive process, we continually develop and enhance our solutions offerings. It is this spirit of synergy that has us saying...with iCognate, uCognate!

iCognate is your company.  We work with you as though we are your new company. We offer a fresh perspective on what our proprietary technologies can do for your information experience. Whether in the office, on the road, or at home, we are confident that your company will benefit from the depth of solutions offerings and breadth of functionality in those offerings.

Welcome to the Company that Cognates...Welcome to iCognate!